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Aims & Objective

The Broad Aims and Objectives of this Directorate is to provide conducive policy framework and directions to promote, develop and harness optimally, the huge hydro potential of the State on the one hand and to coordinate/facilitate the programs/policies which leads to conservation of energy and its efficient use and also to maximize the revenue by sale of free/equity power of the state.
Policy, Guidelines, Notifications & News View All 
Detailed Terms and Condtions of NIP Published on 07.02.2025 for allotment of 20 HEPs10/02/2025New
Detail of Award of Work for “Developing uniform Environmental and Social Policy Procedures (ESPP) for Himachal Pradesh Power Sector utilities viz. HPPCL,HPPTCL,HPSEBL,Himurja and assessment of the institutional mechanism on utilization of LADF,identifying the gaps and recommend the reforms to unlock the funds and monitor its utilization” under World bank funded “Himachal Pradesh Power Sector Development Program07/02/2025New
Notice Inviting Proposals (NIP) for allotment of 20 HEPs alongwith list of 20 HEPs, Project Profiles and Terms and Conditions04/02/2025New
Corrigendum regarding extension of date for hiring a Consultancy Firm for providing Comprehensive Consultancy Service for construction of a Super ECBC to Near Net Zero Building of State Energy Efficiency Agency (SEEA-HP) cum-Directorate of Energy, GoHP at Shimla (H.P.).18/01/2025
Notice Inviting Proposal for hiring a Consultancy Firm for providing Comprehensive Consultancy Service for construction of a Super ECBC to Near Net Zero Building of State Energy Efficiency Agency (SEEA-HP) cum-Directorate of Energy, GoHP at Shimla (H.P.).04/01/2025
Notice Inviting Proposals (NIP) for allotment of 22 HEPs alongwith list of 22 HEPs, Project Profiles and Terms and Conditions03/01/2025
SBD DOC FOR Consultancy and services20/11/2024
STANDARD BIDDING DOC FOR Design, Supply and Installation20/11/2024
Engagement of Apprentice Trainees (Final Merit List)22/10/2024
Corrigendum for Extension of Inviting Expression of Interest (EOI)08/10/2024
Corrigendum for Extension of Bid Submission Deadline03/10/2024
Notice Inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) For empanelment of Technical Experts or Consultants in Directorate of Energy20/09/2024
Corrigendum of Notification for Apprenticeship Training (Female Candidates only)09/09/2024
NIP for Providing Consultancy Services for Development uniform Environmental and social Policy Procedures (ESPP and LADF)09/09/2024
Notification for Engagement of Apprentices Trainees (Female Candidates only)07/09/2024
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